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What to Expect when Working with an Employment Agency

Finding a job with a temp agency means more than securing a paycheck. Why? Because Working with an employment agency offers a different working experience — one where you remain in control of your career.   

If you work in an in-demand field, like healthcare or construction, then you know there’s no shortage of jobs out there. The most challenging part of your search is finding a good job with a great employer.  

What is it like to work with an employment agency like EnergiPersonnel? Here’s what you need to know.  

Apply for Jobs that Fit Your Needs   

On the surface, most job descriptions look the same. They spell out a familiar list of duties and responsibilities as well as experience expectations. Even with research, it can be hard to know what the role is really like — and whether the employer is a good fit for you.  

When you work with a job search firm, you’re not throwing your resume at the wall and hoping it sticks. You work with a recruiter whose goal is to find you a job that meets your goals with an employer who’s the right fit for you.  

Try New Employers Before Committing   

When you start a new full-time permanent job, you go in blind. You get a feel for the workplace by visiting for interviews and meeting the HR team. But you always run the risk of locking yourself into a job in an environment that isn’t right for you.   

Working with an employment agency means you can start each job on a trial basis. There’s no need to worry about an exit strategy because agency jobs come with an expiration date. Though, they can also turn into permanent employment if the stars align.   

24/7 Access to a Team for Support   

When you work with an employment agency like EnergiPersonnel, you have an impartial team on your side who is there for you 24/7. If you have questions about your contract or your benefits or if you’re worried about something you’ve seen on-site, your recruiter and their team are there for you from your first day to your last.  

Benefits Usually Found in Full-Time Jobs   

Some people prefer permanent positions because they come with full-time benefits. But EnergiPersonnel believes all talented people should have access to essential benefits. Our eligible employees enjoy:  

  • Paid holidays  
  • Health insurance
  • Safety training  
  • 401(k)  
  • Referral bonuses  

Find Your Next Role with an Employment Agency  

Working with an employment agency means always having someone in your corner. Recruiters help place you in the right job right away, so you know what to expect when you walk through the door on your first day.  

Are you looking for your next role? 

EnergiPersonnel is hiring today. Get in touch to learn more about what it’s like to work with our employment agency.   

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